Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No news is good news?

So... it's been a while. I appologize :(
Not much has been going on at the Ricketts house.

Its been over 8,000 degrees in the great state of Texas...
Not really, but it has been over 100 for two and half months now... and I'm SO OVER IT!!!
100 degree weather is bad enough... but when you have to carry around a 20 lbs weight it's even worse!
So we've been stuck at home, a lot, leaving us with little to report. (and I've been REALLY lazy)

Speaking of stuck at home... this is the cave we've been living in...
The curtains haven't been opened in FOREVER because it gets too hot.
I can't wait until the oven, also known as the weather, cools down.

"What's up with your door?" you ask.
"That would be the result of marrying an eagle scout" I respond.
My genius husband put up a car sun shade over the glass door to keep the sun out.
The temperature literally dropped 10 degrees!! YAY!

The boxes are for Evie... she likes to "pull up" on them.

Back to Evie...

Evie has been zooming around, she still army crawls (I'm not sure she will ever "real crawl") but she is so fast.
She pulls up on everything, loves to walk holding your hands and can sit up on her own (from her tummy).

As I mentioned above, she weighs 20 or 21 lbs (depending on the scale). She is already wearing her 12 month clothes and has moved up to 18 month on a few pieces. She is a giant!
Everyone loves to stop me at the store and tell me how much they love chubby babies. And then I show them the back of her legs... and they can't believe it so they have to pinch them! I love my chunky monkey! So cute!

She is very curious. 
She LOVES to read books and turn the pages. 
She is starting to make a lot more noises, which include screaming, whining, talking and humming.
She has a bit of "mommy anxiety" right now.
Her favorite person in the whole world is her daddy.
She is a picky eater :(
She can put cherrios in her mouth all by herself.
She waves her hands in the air, up and down really fast.
She loves to play peekaboo.

I love her.

Who needs a Jack-in-the-box when you have a George-in-the-box... with claws no less!

Happy Girl

"What are you looking at?"

"Me? Oh, okay!"

Standing at the new play table

I LOVE my daddy, and he LOVES me!!!

"Umm, why did you close the door? I was trying to escape!"

Big Smile

So pretty

Getting in trouble

Getting in more trouble

Eating markers

Looking out and banging on the window at the plumbers fixing our broken pipe

Stuck... she literally didn't know how to get down... she cried...
I love to read!


  1. I love the pictures!! She is such a happy baby. She must know she's well loved! :)

  2. Oh and genius idea with the car sun shade!
